The call for contributions for TIPC2 has passed. The text below is for your info only.
Call for Contributions
TIPC is a creative space for surprising meetings between people and ideas, centered around video games and the past. We welcome researchers, game developers, scholars, students, gamers, artists and everyone who is curious to learn more about archaeology, history, video games and the interactive past! What can games teach us about the past? In what ways can video games be treated as cultural heritage? What do video games have to offer for historical and archaeological research? The conference is looking for all manner of serious and playful presentations!
Proposed conference topics include:
- Games for research / studying games
- Games for outreach
- Archaeology and video games
- History education through games
- Heritage in games
- Games as heritage / games preservation
- Historical narratives in game design
- The use of the past in game development
We are looking for proposals for c. 20-minute presentations on these topics. Of course, you are most welcome to send us proposals for any other interesting game-related, past-related topics that we haven’t included.
In addition we will be organizing a Pitch the Past session where researchers of the past can pitch a favorite time-period, site, or something else that they’ve always thought could make a brilliant game to game developers attending the conference. These 3-minute pitches will provide you with a platform to pitch a game idea and maybe get in touch with a game maker.
The deadline for all submissions is 15 May 2018.
If you are submitting a proposal for a paper, please send a max. 250 word abstract, along with a title, your name, and your affiliation to: Please state paper in your subject header.
If you are submitting a proposal for a pitch, please send a single sentence, along with your name and your affiliation to: Please state pitch in your subject header.
TIPC2 follows up the successful first Interactive Pasts Conference held in April 2016. If you would like some inspiration on the kind of topics discussed at the first TIPC, have a look at the programme, the YouTube playlist of all the presentations, or the open-access publication The Interactive Past (2017) with chapters by TIPC presenters.
Organizing partners
The Interactive Pasts Conference 2 is organized by the VALUE foundation together with the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.