The ArchaeoGaming Con is upon us! From Thursday until Sunday, you can enjoy many interesting talks, discussions, playthroughs and presentations on anything related to archaeogaming. Check out the programme below!
The first iteration of the conference will be held entirely online (of course), being streamed on Twitch! The conference will start this Thursday at 8:00 EST (which is 14:00 for those in the CET). VALUE will of course also be present! On Thursday we will stream Minecraft: Archaeology 101, exploring a map of Çatalhöyük made by Anna (@Archaeolologist). Coleen Morgan of York University will also join us for this stream. This will be at our regular stream time (so 21:30 CET / 3:30 EST).
We will be back on Friday with a one-shot of Microscope, a historytelling RPG built on the fractal system. This will happen at 8:00 EST / 14:00 CET. Also on Friday, our own Dr. Random will host an open discussion on The Association for Playful Pasts. The discussion will mainly focus on gathering ideas and thoughts on how to move forward with the founding of an international association on playful pasts!
But that’s not all of course! As you can see in the programme, there are lots of other very interesting talks, playthoughs and discussions throughout the days! And you can watch them all from the comforts of your own home!
The conference will also have a charity you can donate to: Archaeology in the Community! They provide education on archaeology for kids and adults, also through the use of video games, a perfect fit for this conference! Check out the programme. For more info you can check @Archyfantasies on Twitter!