On May 15, 2024, we moved from the quaint Victorian countryside to the not-so-quaint London of 1888: whimsical botany and floral moseying made way for supernatural murders and bickering immortals.
Games We Dig — Holedown
During TIPC2, Mata Haggis-Burridge discussed how games have relatively few verbs available that allow us to interact with the past. This made me think… We shoot, we maim, we strategize, we “press X to pay Respects”, but only rarely do we dig. Which is a pity, because digging can be a lot of fun! Case … Read More
Games We Dig – Skyrim
Skyrim…. It seems ages ago that Bethesda published the last entry in its epic Elder Scrolls Series. I played the game quite a lot when it first came out, but then a PhD thesis had to happen and I never revisited its cold mountains, barren shores, and Viking-boutique towns. Since then, many E3s have come and gone … Read More