Field Report – Leaky Valve Spills a Deluge of Data.

July 9, 2018By Bram van den HoutBlog Posts
Valve accidentally gives us an unique and accurate look at Steam numbers. [Office building, interior] A lone game developer/journalist/gaming enthusiast/researcher sits at their desk. Protagonist "Ugh, why can't I get more reliable data! I need to know how many people are playing 'Roman Legionnaire Battle Royal' so I can read the market/write this article/argue with [...]

Games We Dig – God of War

June 27, 2018By JaromirrGames We Dig

Boy. It’s been a while hasn’t it, since my last Games We Dig. In the meantime we have gotten a brand new, swank looking website from our God Of WordPress, Megalithic, RoMeincraft has grown beyond anything we could have ever imagined, and soon it’s already time for TIPC2. A lot has happened, quite some time … Read More

Field Reports #37: Herald

June 21, 2018By Bram van den HoutField Reports
What better news to kick off our new-fangled Field Reports with than news about Herald, the Dutch game about colonialism and identity in the 18th century. Roy van der Schilden of Wispfire talked about the development of Herald during our Interactive Pasts Conference in 2016, and the second part of the game is now available [...]

Hear ye hear ye! Field Reports new and improved!

June 20, 2018By Bram van den HoutField Reports
Oh hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? So apparently writing a Field Reports every two weeks AND combining work and other activities is sliiiiightly too much to handle. I got behind on writing the Field Report, then more and more articles piled on, then something came up, then another thing, and before you know [...]

Field Reports – A New Direction

April 1, 2018By Bram van den HoutField Reports
I've had the pleasure to report on a wide variety of topics about video games, archaeology, and video games for the past 1,5 years. News about the newest Assassin's Creed, interesting discussions concerning violence and video games, the representation of colonialism in strategy games: you name it, and I've written about it. But it's time [...]