Culture Arcade Sneak Preview: Mulaka

Culture Arcade Sneak Preview: Mulaka

August 15, 2018By Dr. RandomBlog Posts, Stratigraph The Culture Arcade is coming soon, with a ton of great games on display! Can't wait? Why not watch  Megalithic, Caeda and Dr. Random play through and discuss the first two hours of Mulaka, a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara Explore the cosmological landscape of northern Mexico Megalithic [...] Read More
An In-Depth Discussion on the Death of A Tree

An In-Depth Discussion on the Death of A Tree

August 6, 2018By VALUEBlog Posts, In Depth It's summer, the season when gaming life can seem to go on uneventfully for days or weeks. However, sometimes things happen to shake-up these doldrums. Sometimes, it's a thing that ripples out from the game and makes its way to the news pages of the world wild web. If it has anything to do with [...] Read More
Streaming the Past: One More Turn 10

Streaming the Past: One More Turn 10

August 3, 2018By Krijn BoomStreaming the Past Watch Episode 10 of the VALUE  "One More Turn" series, in which Dr. Random and Ymir play Civilization VI and discuss the game and its relation to world history, as well as anything else that comes to mind really. Trigger warning for academics talking, punning, “strategizing”, and spouting left-leaning opinions. Episode 10: We Are Rich! [...] Read More
Streaming the Past: One More Turn 9

Streaming the Past: One More Turn 9

July 25, 2018By Dr. RandomBlog Posts, Streaming the Past Watch Episode 9 of the VALUE  "One More Turn" series, in which Dr. Random and Ymir play Civilization VI and discuss the game and its relation to world history, as well as anything else that comes to mind really. Trigger warning for academics talking, punning, “strategizing”, and spouting left-leaning opinions. Episode 9: Stay Calm and [...] Read More
Streaming the Past: One More Turn 8

Streaming the Past: One More Turn 8

July 16, 2018By Dr. RandomBlog Posts, Streaming the Past Watch Episode 8 of the VALUE  "One More Turn" series, in which Dr. Random and Ymir play Civilization VI and discuss the game and its relation to world history, as well as anything else that comes to mind really. Trigger warning for academics talking, punning, “strategizing”, and spouting left-leaning opinions. Episode 8: A Revolution Without [...] Read More
Field Report – Leaky Valve Spills a Deluge of Data.

Field Report – Leaky Valve Spills a Deluge of Data.

July 9, 2018By Bram van den HoutBlog Posts Valve accidentally gives us an unique and accurate look at Steam numbers. [Office building, interior] A lone game developer/journalist/gaming enthusiast/researcher sits at their desk. Protagonist "Ugh, why can't I get more reliable data! I need to know how many people are playing 'Roman Legionnaire Battle Royal' so I can read the market/write this article/argue with [...] Read More