Heavy Rain: Revisited

September 18, 2021By Marcel KeurentjesBlog Posts, Games We Dig

Marcel recently revisited a game he had played seven years ago: Heavy Rain. Back then, it’s ability to have players choose how the story would unfold was very new and revolutionary. Skip to seven years later, and there have been more and more narrative driven games where the player gets to influence the narrative. How does Heavy Rain hold up to modern standards? Before you read: Heavy spoiler alert. We’ve tried to hide the biggest plot-twists, but we cannot hide them all. Don’t say you haven’t been warned!

0 A.D. – The Renaissance of Ancient Video Games

September 13, 2021By CorineBlog Posts, Stratigraph

Ever wanted to lay your eyes on a game in ‘Alpha Phase’? Ready for an RTS game that has the ambition to change the playing-field of historical games? Want to know what it looks like when Romans get ignored, but the Kush Empire and Mauryan Empire are cherished? In short, would you like to be surprised by a game that has been in development for over a decade? Read our series on this game now! Today: part I.

Svoboda 1945: Liberation Review

August 14, 2021By oomzerGames We Dig

Last year July, we played Attentat 1942 during one of our streams. Developed by a team of historians and game developers at Charles University in Prague, it revolved around a particularly dark moment in Czech history: the Second World War and the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich (and subsequent retaliation by the Nazis). Svoboda 1945: Liberation, the second game made by Charles Games was released on August 3rd. It portrays the situation in the German-Czech border region of Sudetenland just after the war. Once again, Charles Games have managed to make an amazing game, which will not only give you new insights into this often overlooked part of the war, but will also make you think about how heritage is viewed through different personal lenses. Here’s a short review, trying to not spoil the game too much for you.

Assassin’s Creed: Infinity

July 9, 2021By Dr. RandomStratigraph

This week the news broke that Ubisoft is developing Assassin’s Creed: Infinity, a massive online platform that evolves over time. But what does this mean for the future of one of the most popular historical video games ever?