Summer Stream Extravaganza!

July 14, 2020By Dr. RandomBlog Posts, Other

It’s the middle of the summer, temperatures are rising, and the global pandemic is still upon us. VALUE has the best proposal for you! Open your AC [that is AirCo, not Assassin’s Creed], fan, or windows, stay inside and tune in to our Summer Stream Extravaganza!

Stratigraph: Far Cry 6 goes to ‘Cuba’

July 14, 2020By Dr. RandomBlog Posts, Stratigraph

Ubisoft Forward, is the last in a long row of online E3 stand-ins. Alongside updates on Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla and Watchdogs: Legion, Ubisoft also announced Far Cry 6. This one is set in Yara, inspired by ‘Cuba’…. But what should we take away from this announcement (spoilers: I ain’t a fan)?

Stratigraph: Ancient Cities

July 7, 2020By oomzerStratigraph

After years in development, Ancient Cities by Uncasual Games will go into closed beta on the 16th of July! If you haven’t supported the devs yet, this is your final chance to get into the closed beta.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Unpacking an Age

July 3, 2020By Liam McLeodIn Depth

With Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla just around the corner, Liam McLeod talks about historical accuracy in the game. But aside from pointing out what Valhalla got right and wrong, there is a lot more to unpack. How does Valhalla repeat nationalistic narratives? And should developers take more care with their histories? Liam touches upon all that below!